
GitHub 設定

  • 建立一個 repo 叫做 <GitAccount>.github.io,進入 repo 頁面
  • 進入Repo -> Setting -> Code and automation -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions -> 勾選 Read and write permissions

Repo 設定

抓 template

git clone https://github.com/hugo-toha/hugo-toha.github.io.git
mv hugo-toha.github.io <GitAccount>.github.io
cd <GitAccount>.github.io
hugo mod tidy

設置 config.yaml

rm config.toml
wget https://github.com/hugo-toha/hugo-toha.github.io/blob/main/config.yaml
# 然後修改 config.yaml 裡面的 title、baseURL、gitRepo


hugo mod npm pack
npm install

加入 git

git remote rm origin
git remote add origin https://github.com/<GitAccount>/<GitAccount>.github.io


git add .
git commit -m 'first commit'
git push -u origin main

GitHub 設定

左側 Settings -> Pages -> 右側 Build and deployment -> Branch -> 選擇 gh-pages -> Save

完成! 之後推送到 main 的時候就會更新內容到 https://<GitAccount>.github.io