[Docker] Docker Basic Command
docker run [image] [overwrite defalut commain]
列出正在執行的容器, –all 可以列出曾經執行過的容器
docker ps [--all]
docker run
docker ps --all
docker create
docker start (what different from docker run?)
docker system prune
docker logs
docker stop (send sigterm) 10s then docker kill
docker kill
docker build -t <dockerid>/<project>:latest .
docker exec -it <containerId> /bin/bash (i, t stands for?)
# execute new command
build context! port mapping 是為了處理 into docker,docker 出來從來沒有被限制
Docker Compose 所有的 docker-compose 都要在 yml 資料夾下作用 可啟動多個 Contailner 並連接 Container 之間的網路 docker-compose.yml docker-compose up docker-compose up -d # start container in the background docker-compose up –build docker-compose down docker-compose ps (需要 yml ,因此要在 yml 所在的資料夾下才能下) network service
restart policy
- “no” (no 在 yaml 裡面代表 false,所以要傳入帶括號的 “no”)
- always (reuse old container,例如 web server)
- on-failure (用於例如完成任務就退出的 worker container)
- unless-stopped
pull request = merge ??? Travis CI Merge PR ?
development server configuration: use ‘Dockerfile.dev’ only for development and specify filename by -f In front end development, use Docker Volumes to let hot reload
docker run \
-p 3000:3000 \
-v [bookmark] \ # bookmark volumes, means dont map this dir
-v[localDir]:[containerDir] # with :
用 docker-compose 管理這些(build, port, volumes) development 用 docker-compose 的話 production 用什麼?
Dockerfile 留下 COPY . . 可降低對 docker compose 的耦合度,另作他用 docker attatch – attatch to the container terminal(stdin/stdout/strerr) of primary proccess npm run test 會跑在不同的 process,導致無法 attatch 到所有的 stdin/stdout/stderr npm <= attatch to this primary process sart.js <= real run test, second process start by npm !!there are no workaround for npm run test of react project
multi-step build process
FROM xxx as
Travis CI/circleci ? 只能有一個 FROM 沒有加 as xxx Travis CI,可推到 AWS 上 GitHub App?
before_install script
elastic beanstalk? easy to run single container elastic beanstalk 內建 load balancer automatically scale up everything S3 bucket? 放 zip file 的地方 IAM manage api key